Monday, December 16, 2019

Situation Analysis

Here is an example of how to quickly analyze a situation by separating people into stakeholder groups and then describing their wants, needs, and level of influence. This is a helpful resource when trying to negotiate meetings with seemingly disparate parties.

Corporations in International Agreements

While many see corporate influences as an overwhelmingly negative force in conservation, their involvement will be critical to the success or failure of many international treaties or conservation projects. Read more about it in this short paper I wrote.


Here are somethings to think about before going on your next outdoor adventure. This is just an outline of what I would teach my students so just google search for terms or concepts that you don;t know about and aren't explained. This should be a good starting point for those new to outdoor recreation.

Clinch River Podcast

Here is my attempt at creating a podcast about the Clinch River and the challenges it faces.

Invasive Species within the Clinch River Watershed

Invasive species can out compete many native species. Some invasive species were or are used as erosion control measures, ornamental plants, or even crops to be harvested but over time we have learned that they can harm the environment by limiting biodiversity. Learn more about a few invasive species here on my slideshow.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid is an invasive species which feeds on the Eastern Hemlock tree species. A resident of Asia, the HWA most likely found its way to the U.S. on shipments of wood and has since preyed on the mighty hemlock, a foundation species which provides food and shelter for many woodland creatures. Learn more about the HWA on this slideshow I made.

Trees of Southwest Virginia

The type of vegetation which grows in various regions typically dictates what sort of species that area can support. Southwest Virginia is no different. The area contains many species found through the Eastern United States, like sycamore and black jack oak, but it is also home to unique species which have been isolated from their counterparts since the last ice age, like fraser fir, red spruce, and northern white cedar. Learn about them here, on this slideshow!

Situation Analysis

Here is an example of how to quickly analyze a situation by separating people into stakeholder groups and then describing their wants, needs...